The Great Plains Drought Workshop was held on August 29-31, 2000, at the Ramkota Conference Center in Rapid City, South Dakota. The workshop was hosted by the Bureau of Reclamation, Army Corps of Engineers, Western Area Power Administration, Western Governors Association, Western States Water Council, Mni Sose Intertribal Water Rights Coalition, Fourt States Irrigation Council, Upper Missouri Water Association, and Mid-west Electric Consumers Association. The workshops goals were to provide participants with drought planning information, tools, and processes and to identify opportunities to improve mitigation and response to droughts.
The workshop was attended by a diverse group of professionals in emergency management, tribal environmental and water resource departments, rural water users, state agricultural and water offices, university environmental departments, and federal government.
Presentations throughout the agenda (1) provided examples of planning processes utilized by state, tribal, and local entities, and (2) identified approaches to address mitigation strategies and tools in drought plans.
The agenda topics included: state, tribal, and local drought planning; overview of federal programs; evolution and important of state and local drought plans; western perspectives in the drought planning process; implementing drought plans-public involvement, monitoring, and triggers; developing and implementing mitigation strategies in drought plans; drought assistance programs; and history of droughts in the Plains and an overview of 1988 drought and implications for the future.
At the close of the workshop, participants gained valuable information on addressing the following questions:
· What is considered drought?
· Why should Tribes have a drought management plan?
· What is involved in developing a drought plan?
· What are the benefits/obstacles of developing a drought plan?
· How are stakeholders involved in this process?
· What tools are available for planning and implementing drought management plans?
· What local/tribal/state/federal drought assistance programs are available?