updated January 5, 1999
Please note: Meetings and conferences are listed in ascending chronological order
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The Blackfeet Tribe has recently joined the Coalition, increasing the tribal membership to 27 out of 28 Tribes in the Missouri River Basin. =>
Click here to access EPA's Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters President Clinton's May 14, 1998, Executive Order on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments Letter of commitment from Colonel Michael S. Meuleners, Army Corps of Engineers, to improve government-to-government relationships with Tribes and response letter regarding comments on draft American Indian and Alaska Native Policy from Rachael A. Rowland, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Intergovernmental Affairs Click here to read the April 17, 1998 news release from the Omaha District Army Corps of Engineers titled "Violators of Burial, Archaeological Sites Subject to Significant Penalties" |
1998 Preliminary Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement Workshop schedule for the Army Corps of Engineers' Missouri River Master Water Control Manual Review & Update (with letter from Col. Michael S. Meuleners, Deputy Division Engineer)
Mni Sose Intertribal Water Rights Coalition Quarterly Board of Director's Meeting, September 10 and 11, 1998, Seven Seas Inn, Mandan, North Dakota. Conference Announcement: Peaks to Prairies: A Conference on Watershed Stewardship, September 27-30, 1998.
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